Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on jQuery UI (Combined Library)

Total dependencies: 198

Jquery UI Themes : ui-darkness
Package for helping with rapid development of Bootstrap MVC sites
MVC4 Mobile Rapid Templating Helpers
Build a treeview easily
Utils and helper classes for ASP.NET MVC Platform using with EF 4.1, Unity and so on.
Helping style challenged developers blunder into awesomeness. Adds a new Layout, Grids, editor templates, HTML5Boilerplate and HTML5 attributes.
Simple example of WizardController that use partial view for render the wizard's form. See ActionStep view code example. Version 1.1 Example of AutoWizardController, render the wizard's form in a single page without using partial view, see AutoStep view code.
This contents of this package has been moved to the AspNet.ScriptManager.jQuery.UI.Combined package.
Joshua 3.0 Comments plugin, let you add comments to your contents.
Add sample usage of SimpleGuidMembershipProvider to existing empty web project.
Composit widget to allow user to enter e.g. height / weight values and convert between units. See jQuery.ui.unitconverter.Example.html for a working example for height/weight inputs.