Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ValueTuple

Total dependencies: 2374

MSTestEnhancer helps you to write unit tests without naming any method. You can write method contract descriptions instead of writing confusing test method name when writing unit tests.
Common Utility Functions
Framework for creating Persistence Plug-Ins based on Stream data-stores. Persistence Plug-in for EventStore. Includes Event Journal, Snapshot Store, and Query Read Journal.
Configuration Framework
A http and websockets server implementation, written in C#. Is not related to System.Net.HttpServer. Currently in alpha, so please report any bugs you find by opening an issue against this project repository :-)
Provides simple F# syntax for NSubstitute
Package Description
The core types and functions of iExpr. iExpr is an extensible expression parser and evaluator.
Includes helper classes to write unsafe code in Visual Basic. You can create Span(Of T), ReadOnlySpan(Of T), String, SecuredString, and UnmanagedMemoryStream with this package in Visual Basic.
URI Template based Arachnid router
LinqPlus provides more LINQ awesomeness, with optimized LINQ methods for specific containers, tuple enumeration of dictionaries, functional LINQ extension methods, single function extensions for common patterns, and more.
Dynamic Library to filesystem mapping with Authorization implementation of Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.
URI Template based Arachnid router, powered by the Hopac concurrency library
Polyfill for Kestrel based server implementations, powered by the Hopac concurrency library
Polyfill for Kestrel based server implementations
Smartunicom Shared Library