Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ValueTuple

Total dependencies: 2374

A persistent object cache for your Windows 10 uwp and uap applications.
A .NET Wrapper for, a REST API for accessing Pokémon information.
Manage partial JSON requests.
Firebase client for .net core
A general-purpose scripting language implemented in C#
Extensions for working with enumerables in .NET, a-la LINQ.
Botwin is a library that allows Nancy-esque routing for use with ASP.Net Core.
The mutable wrapper of Microsoft's .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") syntax tree. For simple manipulation of C# files.
Itc4net is a C# implementation of Interval Tree Clocks, a causality tracking mechanism.
Using this component you can find other Microdot services (and any other remote system), perform client-side load balancing between multiple servers, detect and skip unresponsive servers and resume using them when they return to full operation. Discovery is typically perfomed with Consul...
Yllibed Versatile Http Server
Client library for the Kubernetes open source container orchestrator.
This plugin provides a mechanism to validate Spec flow Background,Scenario,Feature tags, Scenario tags as per the rule defined in Configuration Persistence Plug-in for Elasticsearch. Includes Event Journal, Snapshot Store, and Query Read Journal.
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