Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Threading

Total dependencies: 992

A library designed to make the client-side interactions with websockets easier. Mostly just wraps inbuilt types to improve usability.
FormulaEngine.Net Is a Simple Engine For .Net APP or .NetCore APP
A .NET implementation of Google Safe Browsing Lookup API
MusicBrainz.DNX Class Library for DNX
Http Client for the torrent provider Kickass
Basis-Klassen für ELSTER
.NET SDK for Profit365 API.
A library for logic programming in .NET
Cavalry is a .NET library designed to make building fan apps for Blizzard's upcoming FPS Overwatch fast, fun, and easy.
Gumbo Bindings Class Library
Extensions and utilities for System.Net.Http.HttpClient on .NET and .NET Core.
Tools for starting/stopping a local instance of an ASP.NET 5 application for use in service/integration tests.
Extends Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing with the functionality to expand braces (e.g. *.{jpg,png}) and to allow glob excludes to be defined in the glob pattern itself (e.g. '!**/*.exe' to exclude .exe files)
ASP.NET 5 Library to discover (optionally bundle) and create <script> references from desired directory in runtime
Common libraries used in other projects
Deprecated as there's new maintainer for original HAP project. Please check the new repo at This is a port of HtmlAgilityPack library created by Simon Mourrier and Jeff Klawiter for .NET Core platform. This NuGet package supports can be used with Un...
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.MultiTenancy Class Library