Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Threading

Total dependencies: 992

This package implements bespoke routines necessary for a detailed analysis of the various components deployed to a CRM instance.
A .NET Core implementation of the Java Optional class.
NuGet package for Heliosky GPS
WebSocket4Net is a .NET websocket client implemtation. It originates from SuperWebSocket WebSocket Client. For better developing of the websocket client, it was separated from SuperWebSocket and was renamed to WebSocket4Net.
Application general framework library
ServiceWire is a very fast and light weight service host and dynamic client library that simplifies the development and use of high performance remote procedure call (RPC) communication between .NET processes over Named Pipes or TCP/IP. And with the release of 2.0.0, ServiceWire now supports optiona...
The SDK simplifying the consumption of Sportradar's Unified Odds feed. (.NET Standard 2.1)
Provide an interface for the test module to interact with the service
A little library designed to making working with XML a little easier.
Install as a DNX command. Generates plugin packages for Umbraco. You give it dlls, back-office files and it updates the Package.xml file and compresses it into a single installable archive. Usage: dnx . package settings.json
Google API discovery library ported to DNX Core 5.0 / CoreCLR / vNext.
Google API Auth library ported to DNX Core 4.x / 5.0.
Google API Core Library ported to DNX Core 5.0