Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Threading.Thread

Total dependencies: 579

A .Net Core port of the project which provides two way OData request to Queryable transformation. Part of the Lynicon CMS project:
Provides an implementation of the messaging gateway for decoupled invocation in the Paramore.Brighter pipeline, using restms
Native C# client for communicating with an Apache Kafka cluster.
CoAP.NET is an implementation in C# providing CoAP-based services to .NET applications.
Fork of the FirebirdClient - ADO.NET Data Provider from FirebirdSql. This version is built agains .NETSTANDARD 2.0. Original client:
Fixes and adds extra output information later each test execution. NUnitLite provides a simple way to run NUnit tests, without the overhead of a full NUnit installation. It is suitable for projects that want to have a quick way to run tests using a console runner and don't need all the features of ...
Improved file system notification events for .NET
Visual Studio 2017+ Test Explorer runner for Persimmon. Capable of running Persimmon v4.0+ tests. Supported platforms: - Desktop .NET 4.5.1+ - .NET Core 2.0+
Simple Log Library. Provides ILogger LogManager FileAppender RollingFileAppender ConsoleAppender
Rebuld of (Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard) for net standard 1.3 with signing Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.* packages Assemly has strong key and can be placed in GAC .NET Standard 1.3 LDAP signed client library. Works with any LDAP server (including Microsoft Active Directory - AD)
C#/.NET binary driver for OrientDB Original Author: Gray Delacluyse
This package contains utilities and solutions to orchestrate and coordinate large operations and parallel running tasks.
The Bugsnag Notifier for .NET gives you instant notification of exceptions thrown from your .NET applications. Any uncaught exceptions will trigger a notification to be sent to your Bugsnag project. This unofficial version contains signed assemblies.
Contains helper classes for SQL data connections, fluent SQL builders, criteria, join definitions, data mapping, validation...
XML RPC server and client implementation for ROS.NET