Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.TypeExtensions

Total dependencies: 1194

A .NET Standard port of easypost-csharp. I am not affiliated with EasyPost in any way.
An EntityMapper and EntityRegister For EntityFrameworkCore 1.1.2
.NET standard implementation of CQRS and EventAggregaor
Mediator Toolkit for .NET apps
High-performance ADO.NET object mapper.
Package Description
Package Description
The core component of the Lenoard platform.
A collection of fuzzy string algorithms for .net
IocServiceStack is a open source .NET dependency injection framework. It supports multi-service communication through multi-level dependency injection. This clearly separates the concerns of application layers, and makes the layers configurable and it offers several ways to inject dependencies. Chec...
A command line arguments parser for .NET Standard
JavaScript interpreter for .NET forked from Jint
ProxyFoo is a library for the .NET Framework to facilitate creating high-performance proxies for Duck casting, null safe wrappers, method interception, and other uses.
Zametek Windows extensions for Xceed AvalonDock. This package is now obsolete, please use Zametek.Windows.AvalonDock.Core instead.
Simple automocking for unit tests
Class Library containing an C# abstraction model of the collection+json media type object model
.Net light-weight, powerful object mapping framework. Fluent design. Supports .NET, .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core.