Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.TypeExtensions

Total dependencies: 1194

Contains common classes used in mvvm applications.
RevStackCore .net core OrientDb repository pattern.
v9beta .NET Core and .NET 4.5.X and up support.Not an official sendgrid release but a premature port because I couldn't wait for the actual release of v9.
TECH-IS INC. Infrastructure Assembly - Core library
communication with cluster component
GraphQL Conventions for .NET
Chattel is a library for connecting to, and gathering assets from, asset servers for Halcyon-based virtual world grids
HTTP Hosting with MEF project compiled for .NET Standard
API action modules for Project Kaleidoscope.
Primitive library that supports other Project Kaleidoscope services.
aliyun.oss.sdk.core 2.5.3
Allows instancing of interfaces marked with facet attributes.
ASP.NET 5 HTTP object model. HttpContext and family.
Some implementations to observe a website
ASP.NET 5 logic to protect and unprotect data, similar to DPAPI.
Create strongly-typed data models from DbDataReader
Core package for Cometary, required by the analyzer to edit the dependant assembly. It defines the CompilationEditor type, used to edit assemblies during compilation.