Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Net.Http

Total dependencies: 2295

Nutritionix 1.1 .net api wrapper.
This .NET standard library enables access to different data sources such as Microsoft Graph, OneDrive, Twitter, Microsoft Translator, and LinkedIn. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
Kraken library for working with HTTP clients.
A simple HttpClient implementation of the BreweryDB API that targets .NET Standard 1.1+
Provides a optimized SessionFactory for per request database connections.
Collection of useful code snippets which can be used in many different C# or .NET applications.
Will be available soon
This package is designed for provisioning Plumsail Forms to SharePoint Online in Office 365.
Microsoft Azure Management DataBoxEdge library
Microsoft Azure StorageCache Management Library
Enables easy communication with Wizdom backend via REST by using the Wizdom Unified Gateway. For example client, check github:
Provides developers with libraries for the Azure Spring Cloud under Azure Resource manager to deploy, start, stop and scale Spring Cloud applications.
SeptaPay payment API client for .NET 4.5
Class library providing abstractions and utilities for working with Microsoft technologies.
SeptaPay payment services API client
A simple set of .NET Core Middleware extensions for adding Health Checks to your web application.
.Net library for free proxy services
Microsoft Azure Maintenance Management Library
.NET API Library for