Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Net.Http

Total dependencies: 2295

This is an auto-generated Integrations client based on the swagger.json published by Visma. The version number reflects the version of the swagger file it is generated from.
Provides a optimized SessionFactory and SessionContext for per request database connections.
Includes a model and interface for communicating with Google Maps geocoding provider. The API returns latitude/longitude coordinates and normalized address information. Based on fork of ‘chadly/’ project.
A .net package to get the communications going with a HomeWizard. You can use this package to control switches/dimmers and read all the data from the HomeWizard.
Lib.AspNetCore.WebSocketsCompression is a library which provides a managed implementation of the WebSocket protocol, along with server integration components and support for permessage-deflate compression.
HTTP extensions using Oxide.
Middleware for the Prometheus.Client
A collection of extension methods that I seem to keep rewriting in many of my projects.
.NET Library to simplify automation of your Rachio smart spinkler controller.
Blueberry infrastructure library
Contains various extension methods and supporting classes for System.Net (Cookies, UrlBuilder, HtmlDecode, etc)
port from .NET client library to access etcd. Supports auth / cluster / asyc. Targeting dotnet core.