Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Net.Http

Total dependencies: 2295

API/SDK for GoShippo service to create and track shipments, etc. Forked from official shippo-csharp-client at
Bot Framework Direct Line client made just for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.
FSharp implementation of Facebook GraphQL query language (Client)
The Facebook Solution Framework (FSF) for .NET contains everything you need to build Facebook Apps for web or mobile platforms. Easily integrate Facebook Login and Graph API.
.Net SDK for Voucherify - coupons, vouchers, promo codes -
Makes it easy to manage Azure Search services and API keys from a .NET application.
A client to call the DAS Apprenticeship Programmes and Providers service
SteamStoreQuery is a simple library that allows you to search the Steam store and get listings for related games, including their price (USD), name, store link, image link, and app id. (Uses undocumented, not supported store endpoint)
Provides developers with a library to create and manage all Azure Event Hubs resources. Note: This client library is for EventHub under Azure Resource Manager. Development of this library has shifted focus to the Azure Unified SDK. The future development will be focused on "Azure.ResourceManager....
Symphony REST API Client Library for .NET
Client .Net para a API da IUGU
A JSONAPI compatible set of extensions for the HttpClient.
Kraken is a set of open source libraries for SharePoint development. The package includes code for writing provider hosted apps, including CSOM utilities.
A sender for Apple Push Notification(APN) and Firebase Cloud Message(FCM)
Microsoft Azure Marketplace Library
The GRPC client API for managing users in Event Store. Get the open source or commercial versions of Event Store server from
CosmosDB Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowing a development team to gain valuable insight and perspective into their usage of CosmosDB. The product is architected with input coming from many top industry leaders within the Cosmos DB community. Alerts are presented in a concise code-revie...
CosmosDB Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowing a development team to gain valuable insight and perspective into their usage of CosmosDB. The product is architected with input coming from many top industry leaders within the Cosmos DB community. Alerts are presented in a concise code-revie...
SDK for access to API of Natural Language Processing of BeetML.