Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Net.Http

Total dependencies: 2295

Yet another C# Datadog client that supports DogStatsD and APM.
Common libraries
This package adds a new section with the following tools: - Umbraco logs manager: to view and delete Umbraco DB Logs events and to view the TraceLog (this new function is a simplified version of Diplo Trace Log Viewer project -
LINE Messaging API for .NET
Package Description
A .NET client library for the Tesla Owner API
Service Fabric Seq Logging
Provides .Net client access to the InterPlanetary File System.
Provides interfaces for types in System.Net.Http: HttpClient, HttpContent, HttpRequestMessage, HttpResponseMessage, HttpHeaders, DelegatingHandler, HttpClientHandler, HttpMessageHandler, HttpMessageInvoker, MessageProcessingHandler, MultipartContent, MultipartFormDataContent, HttpContentHeaders, Htt...
This component adds support for Almanac to format and persist its entries into the Microsoft Windows Event Log. Almanac is a flexible logging mechanism that routes log entries by its type to different destinations like email, text and XML files. Almanac is also great to keep a record of your user a...
Core libraries for consistent frameworks.
The Portable WebDAV Library is a strongly typed, async WebDAV client library which is fully compliant to RFC 4918, RFC 4331 and "Additional WebDAV Collection Properties". It is implemented as .NETStandard 1.1 library in oder to be used on any platform supporting .NETStandard 1.1.
A .NET library to access the API
Blockchain-based anchoring for Openchain.
An async wrapper library for the Pinterest API
A dotnet wrapper for the api
Biblioteca de filtros destinada a simplificar o monitoramento de uma aplicação OWIN ASP.NET Web API utilizando o log4net.
Managed .NET library for use with HttpClient to transparently call authorized WebAPI
HelpScoutNet is a .NET class library that provides an easy-to-use interface for the web api v2.0
Need to use the rabbit management http api? Don't jump through hoops.