Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Linq

Total dependencies: 1100

A simple .Net Standard library to easily get profile picture, QR code image for profile and profile information for a user from Gravatar.
Interfaces and utilities for developing Crosser modules
This is a port of HtmlAgilityPack library created by Simon Mourrier and Jeff Klawiter for .NET Core platform. This NuGet package supports can be used with Universal Windows Platform, ASP.NET 5 (using .NET Core) and full .NET Framework 4.6. Original description: This is an agile HTML parser that bu...
Class project for learning C# syntax. Describes topical area "Music": - notes and melody - musicians and composer - musical instruments - musical instrument factories
Restract is a contract based rest client .
Multi-tenancy support for ASP.NET Core.
Multi-tenancy support for ASP.NET Core using StructureMap.
.NET Websocket server classes Supports: - RFC6455 - Per message compression extension - SSL
A generic HTTP API for calling grains in Microsoft Orleans
Contains common classes used in mvvm applications.
.NET Standard Types and Validators library for Base16-, Base32- and Base64-encoding and decoding in several variations (i. e., Base32Hex, Base64 Url safe, etc.)
Jabberwocky package for circuit-breaker and error handling of renderings
LightInject IOC packge for the Caliburn.Micro MVVM framework
CoPilot is an object relational mapper (ORM). In its core it works like a micro ORM, but it has some neat and powerful features added on top of it, which makes it more of a "middle ground" ORM. CoPilot is built with performance and flexibillity in mind, and was specifically designed to avoid any lea...
Provides client part of Realmius sync engine.