Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Linq

Total dependencies: 1100

MusicBrainz.DNX Class Library for DNX
CodeComb HtmlAgilityPack
HtmlAgilityPack Class Library
Deprecated. Use MotleyFlash. Provides a foundation for managing flash messages.
A library designed to make basic Twitter search API access simple in .NET vNext.
Deprecated as there's new maintainer for original HAP project. Please check the new repo at This is a port of HtmlAgilityPack library created by Simon Mourrier and Jeff Klawiter for .NET Core platform. This NuGet package supports can be used with Un...
EmotionAPI is a class library that wraps the Microsoft Project Oxford Emotion API.
A library designed to make the client-side interactions with websockets easier. Mostly just wraps inbuilt types to improve usability.
Http Client for the torrent provider Kickass
Basis-Klassen für ELSTER
FormulaEngine.Net Is a Simple Engine For .Net APP or .NetCore APP
A .NET implementation of Google Safe Browsing Lookup API
.NET Core Dependency Injection Tools and Extensions
Panviva.JiraDotNetIntegration.Library is a Portable Class Library implementation of Atlassian's Jira REST API (Version 2). This code is currently still in beta version & has a lot of scope for improvement so would appreciate any community engagement/feedback.