Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog

Total dependencies: 1928

The LiteDB sink for Serilog
A property editor for Umbraco which looks like the media picker, but lets you search for animated gifs, powered by the Giphy api.
Standard logging lib powered by Serilog
Provide a template to easily build workers on a Azure Service Bus Topic.
Provide a template to easily build workers on a Azure Service Bus Queue.
Serilog event sink that writes to SQLite database using SqliteNet-Pcl. Forked from Serilog.Sinks.SQLite from
Contains digi4th Encoo.Telemetry
Integrate Excel-DNA Diagnostics Logging with Serilog.
Umbraco CMS - NuCache Explorer
Package Description
Umbraco Redirect Manager for the Umbraco Back-Office
addon library providing Autofac dependency injection support
Lib that provides functionality for Azure DevOps TestPlan and test automation
Licensing Framework for .NET
Package Description
Enriches exceptions logged via Serilog with their LogContext at the time they were raised. Check out the readme in the repository for an example
Adds a Configuration Editor to the Settings section for Umbraco 9