Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog

Total dependencies: 1928

X64 .Net Library for SophiaTX Blockchain, release covers .netcore 2.0, .netframework 4.5.2 and .net framework 4.6.2
Lightweight F# wrapper for Confluent.Kafka
Simple AOP Exception handler for .Net Controller classes integrated with Serilog.
Package Description
Serilog logger for Nancy web applications. Handler request, response and exceptions.
Microservice host redistributable library that includes generic intefaces for starting, stoping and executing custom workflows as part of the service lifecycle.
Hangfire scheduled tasks for Umbraco 8
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. This package contains an ILogContext which writes to a Serilog ILogger.
Seq Health Check: periodically GET an HTTP resource and publish response metrics to Seq.
HttpClient (IHttpClientFactory) + Proxy implementation with Dependency injection support and as proxy-list source for .NET Standard 2.1 (netstandard2.1).
A content app for Umbraco which lets you use Image Processor to create new images from your media items.
Log and analyze runtime operations on an Autofac container.
Part of the MetaSaver framework that handles dependency injection
An email pickup sink for Serilog equivalent to log4net's SmtpPickupDirAppender
A custom built .net core web api application framework.
A library to load Connections into the TransitDB
An library implementing Connection Scan Algorithm for routing of Public Transport networks, based on Linked Data
An opinionated abstraction that sits on top of Serilog, providing a construct for centralized logging by way of correlation.