Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Octokit

Total dependencies: 77

This tool allows you to publish all (or specific) projects from your Github account directly into Nuget.
This package includes a new backend for Downlink to support artifacts stored in GitHub Releases
Create and execute policies to automate the management of your task board
Statiq is a configurable static content generation framework. This library contains modules for interacting with GitHub.
GitHub logger extensions for Visual Studio Test Platform.
A GitHub authentication adapter for Estranged.Lfs.Api.
BugTracker system that allows you to push the bug as github issue
Adds application Auto-Updater using Github releases.
A .NET library for easily populating your GitHub repository with your bespoke labels
Provides issue reporting to differnt backends such as GitHub.
Easily check if your program is up to date, using GitHub Releases
A caching HttpClient for Octokit that respects etags.
Octokit Script Pack for ScriptCs.
Backed by LibGit2Sharp, and Octokit.NET, this library simplifies a few common git-related actions that are commonly used in CI processes such as fetching/cloning remote repositories, and opening github pull requests (after some local processing).
Octokit script library for scriptcs