Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Octokit

Total dependencies: 77

Open-source, cross-platform, multi-purpose security auditing tool - core audit library
Package Description
Display informations gathered from the assembly info.
A collection of useful classes, extensions and tools written in C# to aid in a wide variety of development. With components for ASP Net MVC, Winform and Console applications. Integrations for Google, AD and SQL and pre-written implementations / helpers for a variety of tasks... Just Because.
Compare package dependencies across all your repositories
Issue Trackers core library for GitTools
Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library contains modules for interacting with GitHub.
Auto update your esri arcgis pro addins
A collection of .Net utilities for Github
A tool to help synchronizing specific files and folders across GitHub hosted repositories.
Octocat release client library
Octokit.Bot provides you with a simple to use framework and easy to start way for building GitHub Apps
A simple issue creating client for Github
Package Description
Access the ZenHub API from .NET
A framework for Visual Studio custom debugging visualizers
Shared functionality for classic TR version swappers.
Create release notes based on closed GitHub issues and publish GitHub releases
Create release notes based on closed GitHub issues and publish GitHub releases
WorkItem Management Framework