Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Ninject

Total dependencies: 570

Ninject based factory for Jessica, a micro web framework.
Ninject integration for Kogir.Logging.
Build pipeline parser, named for its grunt like ability to parse build output and dump it out as something meaningful
Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Common, for Ninject. Don't forget to install Agatha-ServiceLayer-Ninject as well for the server-side bits
BTC shared project
Contains TypeProvider implementation using ninject
Provides bindings for the NetInfrastructure.AutoMapper package.
Ninject integration for CoreApp
Ninject application services for CQRSBase
A wrapper for Ninject and Microsoft Azure Service Runtime
Smart IoC library. Core IoC component
CodeCop Setup Ninject container adapter
Adds valuable tools for working with the popular Ninject library.
Simple Ninject binding extension for Nerdle.AutoConfig configuration library.
Simple library for handling arguments in console applications
Feature Switch IoC container support for Ninject
Ninject container for CommandPipeline library for resolving dependencies in the commands during handling
Ninject-specific implementation for mediator pattern.