Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Ninject

Total dependencies: 570

Telegram BOT API implementation for .NET Core. For documentation and sample see the project page.
Topshelf.Ninject.Integration provides extensions to construct your service class from your Ninject IoC container.
Standard Ninject binding modules for Common Notification Framework email adapter
Standard Ninject binding modules for the Common Notification Framework core functionality
Standard Ninject binding modules for Common Notification Framework console adapter
Standard Ninject binding modules for Common Logging Framework NLog adapter.
scanner nuget
Contains a module to register all of the service bus implementations for apollo
CLI Commandlet host and execution engine, Ninject container bindings
NucleusBot - Ядро для написания ботов ВКонтакте и Telegram. Одна кодовая база и логика - сразу на два мессаджера!
Standard Gibe Processors for Ditto
Trackmatic Solutions Integration Agent Generic Host
Модуль учета рабочего времени Skrv.NuGetPackage
SeekU depencency resolver built with Ninject.
BDD Framework to create complex scenarios and keep those scenarios maintainable and readable
An assembly to ease the integration of Ninject and WebApi
A extension of the NCommon container adapter for Ninject
IoCBridge Ninject wrapper.