Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

Noodles transforms your object modelinto a web app. This is a library to integrate Noodles with AJAX jquery datatables
An accelerator helper library for integrating with the WorldRemit Correspondent PayOut APIs. Use of this package is subject to the terms and conditions set out in your contract with WorldRemit.
Wrapped repository for mongoDB
Some helpers and Extensions Simplified
This is common code in DocWorks CMS Application
Mongo Db factory implentation
Authentication, Email, Encryption, File, Installer, ModelBinder, MessageQueue, Http POST and GET and Time Helpers
Package Description
Pacote com abstração para EventBus com RabbitMQ utilizando Filas e Exchanges
IRIMC Identity utitlity to help developers faster coding.
SyScript Core
A configuration system based on a hierarchy of XML files, the values of which are accessed using strongly-typed configuration objects. Supports modification of the files on live service, environment variable substitution, encryption and collections. Part of the Microdot framework.
Package for MaxiPago integration
Capture SDK for C# to integrate Socket Mobile Bluetooth Scanners in your app. The Socket Mobile Companion service is required to be installed on the host.
Yet another extension method library.
This client library provides access to the Microsoft Cognitive Services Image Search API.