Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

simple example library to demo connecting to Fortigate API
A tool for wrapping actions into a context that may contain state parameters, enhancing logging and exception handling.
API related to IoT Edge
Access and save your settings faster than ever.
This project provides an API-wrapper for the home automation devices from the company "MyStrom"
Adobe Sign REST API Version 6 for C# .NET Standard 2.0 (generated by Swagger from Adobe)
A WebView control for desktop and mobile platforms to run Blazor natively on .NET core and Mono. Add a reference to the specific nuget package for your platform.
微信通用类库,包括公众号、企业号、小程序、商户号 修复linux环境下配置文件路径问题
Easily log all the HTTP requests comming to your API or Web application for further auditing
Consensus Algorithm based on Raft that allows for .NET Core applications to implement a clustered configuration.
Use this package to interface with
Kentico module that enables using Online Forms to trigger Marketing Automation without cookie consent. This module can be used in Kentico MVC or Portal Engine projects.
Package Description
A framework for Unity 2017.4+.
Arqanore is a 2D OpenGL framework used to make video games for Linux desktop and Windows desktop. It is built on top of my other library, Arqan, and therefore makes use of the GLFW window and input system. Please makee sure you install all required dependencies!! Read the readme in the repo for more...
WebSockets C# Server Implementation
根据《部网络货运信息交互系统数据交换接口规范》《部网络货运信息交互系统代码集》编写的.net core版本SDK
Client for interacting with the Tenor API with full async support. Built on .NET Standard 2.0.