Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

MapVida.WebAPIClient is a wrapper around the MapVida Web API. Its goal is to provide you with a clean and neat interface for interacting with MapVida's data services, while taking care of all the lower level things like HTTP requests, authorization flow and mapping the JSON request to .NET classes.
A Data API .NET Client
This is an API helper for working with Dynamics 365 Global Discovery API
C# API wrapper for Atlassian's BitBucket Server
This library is for creating designers and their`s sprcialisations
JsonConfig.Net is ported from JsonConfig by Timo Dörr. This JsonConfig works for both .Net and .Net Core Frameworks. JsonConfig.Net is a simple to use configuration library, allowing JSON based config files for your C#/.NET application instead of cumbersome web.config/application.config xml files. I...
A powerful .Net component for managing permission entries in content repositories.
This is the core package for the MonoServer web framework.
This package contains a NoSqlRepository for .net apps using json files.
A lightweight library to perform common REST API calls
App chains allows you to personalize your app and provide a genetically tailored user experience.
A dead simple data store - if you don't want to worry about your persistance layer (yet).
Castle Windsor Bootstrap for use with Microsoft ASP.NET Web API.
Allows rapid development of an application by removing the need to create/setup the Database. Just create POCO classes and save them to a named database. Once your application is working you can swap out for a fully fledged database or just use it to create prototype or throw-away applications.
Currently only supported for iOS
Logger for .NET projects. Works with Framework 4.0 and later.
Class project for learning C# syntax. Describes topical area "Music": - notes and melody - musicians and composer - musical instruments - musical instrument factories
bitFlyer API informal wrapper library
has some MPS utilties