Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

Xamling Core for development the Xamling way
This component provides Toss API proxy for client application.
Unofficial fork of Andrey Taritsyn's JavaScriptEngineSwitcher, built for .NET Core. This project allows you to use other bundles while the official JavaScriptEngineSwitcher project is being updated to fully support .NET Core.
zxm.WeChat.Extensions is an extensions for WeChat.
Provides a sample implementation of a ContentPage that shows Eventbrite events from eventbrite API. !!! This doesn't work yet with Xamarin.Android!!!
Parses series or movie strings to detailed object. Input: "Knight.Rider.S01E01E02.Die.grosse.Duerre.German.DVDRip.AAC.XviD-c0nFuSed.mkv" The output would be a object like that: SeriesID (object) |-> FullTitle -> Knight.Rider.S01E07.Die.grosse.Duerre (string) |-> SeriesTitle -> Knight.Rider (string...
It can be used to call Avalara Tax Rest API and get the calculated tax.
Packaged a dll I have to access Zendesk API that most likely was created from this open source project at some point
Use self defined error code to automatically generate related exceptions.
CloudShare API v3 SDK. See more information about available methods at
Mvc class library implementation of the RevStack.Commerce abstraction
Login and Pay with Amazon service. This API section enables you to programmatically retrieve shipping and payment information provided by the buyer from their Amazon account. It allows you to authorize, capture, and refund payments, enabling a variety of payments scenarios.
Frenetic-Trace is a light-weight trace visualization software. Use this package for implementation. Visit for further details
Record your code's execution and replay it later
ShipmentRouter RESTful JSON order routing web services split Ecommerce order to multiple shipments, allocate warehouse inventory and route shipments to specific warehouses based on routing scenarios and available inventory. ShipmentRouter has major order routing functionality such as address geocodi...
An UmbracoVault extension library for the Archetype data type. Allows for Archetype properties to be deserialized to strongly typed models.
An UmbracoVault extension library for the MultiUrlPicker data type. Allows for Multi Url Picker properties to be deserialized to strongly typed models.