Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

Protocol and client assemblyes for PayTravel RemoteApi.
This package assists in outputing your objects to a CSV file in a binary format within Web API.
Adform Mobile Software Development Kit (SDK) allows Publishers with mobile apps, or standalone app publishers to integrate their mobile app inventory into Adform’s Private Marketplace, where top advertisers are willing to pay top prices for exclusive and first-look access to premium inventory.
Client of IntegrationServer, an asynchronous job scheduling server.
Fluid is a flexible, all-in-one SDK for Everybody Edits made with the programmer in mind.
Moca SDK for Windows Phone 8. Geofencing, segmentation and analytics API backed by Cloud platform.
Pandexio Owin components for .Net
An open source ASP.NET Identity 2.x-compliant custom user store implementation to *Redis* using the fancy StackExchange.Redis library.
Common library for NeedplusU.
Package Description
BugSense is the leading crash reposrting and quality metrics service for mobile apps. This is the official plugin for Windows Store 8.
Masstransit message queue implementation
JSON.NET adapters for FubuMVC to bring the power of model-binding to JSON usage.
javascriptmodel.MVC3 is a .NET library to transfer data to JavaScript or execute js-functions from .NET server-side code (C#, VB.NET) as embedded json on the website. This version is specific for ASP.Net MVC3.
javascriptmodel.MVC4 is a .NET library to transfer data to JavaScript or execute js-functions from .NET server-side code (C#, VB.NET) as embedded json on the website. This version is specific for ASP.Net MVC4.