Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

An adapter for PostgreSQL for Folke.Elm
EasyDocumentStorage PCL provides a basic and easy to use cross platform document storage.
F# ORM wrapper for mysql driver
Keen.IO publisher for Multimeter
Generates TypeScript type definition based on C# types
Core framework - contains base classes and T4 scripts for code generation.
A complete WaniKani API client for .net
Citrina is a full-blown high-performance VK (VKontakte) API realization for .NET that offers full support of all existing methods. Docs:
.Net Core Client Extensions for HTTP
A core implementation of all WakaTime C#-driven plug-ins for IDE such as Visual Studio, Xamarin Studio, Monodevelop etc. This plug-ins will help to collect metrics, insights and time tracking automatically generated directly from your programming activity.
Provide a set of tools to work with. Localisation though Json object file, SQL Server Dal through reflection/attribute using stored procedure (Close to Entity but more database flexible).
FSharp functions for streaming graph data to gephi
A package to login into via a .net core wrapper.
dotnet core config Component
TrackerDog turns any .NET object or full object graph into a change-trackable object