Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Unofficial .NET (C#) client library for Sbanken API
Provides IP (IPv4 *and* IPv6) mappings to countries. This project provides the IP2CountryResolver and entities and other baseclasses and interfaces. It can be used with many (custom or provided) datasources like the databases from DB-IP, IP2IQ, IPToASN, Ludost, Markus-Go, Maxmind, WebNet77 and the o...
CRC32 hash implementation for .NET
A library for creating EqualityComparers.
ADA/Cardano Blockchain Block Explorer Api Client
Microsoft.Azure.Management.ManagementPartner Library
No-nonsense, high performance pub-sub for distributing time-critical data over UDP.
This package includes a helper for Nsubstitute. This is developed based on our teams need and we will add to it as we continue using NSubstitute.
An EnhancedFileSystemWatcher, which can be used to suppress duplicate events that fire on a single change to the file.
Package containing SimpleInjector implemenation for Mondop.Abstrations
Defines primers and derivables that creates a concrete command-based context invocation framework. Includes module composition that integrates contexts with event-publishing and consuming, as well as the transformation to commands and the orchestration of those. This framework is developed with te...
Builds on top of the command framework to enable the concepts of reproducability of a command and, in extension, remotability. With the addition of json serialization this allows the transformation of all commands to json and back to instance.
A simple and straightforward HOTP and TOTP verification library for .NET.
Asp.Net Core middleware to wrap every request in a HttpClientMiddleware pipeline.
A netstandard only port of
Package Description
No-nonsense, high performance pub-sub for distributing time-critical data over UDP.