Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

This package builds on the DataStax Enterprise C# driver, adding functionality for interacting with DSE graph features using Apache TinkerPop Gremlin.Net.
An Eclass Mobile API Client for C#
.NET Core bindings for libui
Deveel REST Client
Distributed Service Library
Contains the attributes for the nuget package CSharpDiscriminatedUnion
A lightweight framework for helping writing CQRS and Eventsourcing applications in C# on .NET Core
A .NET Core client library for Firebase
Console User Interface Toolkit
Standard library to consume web apis created with netcore.simple
A library for consuming consul values in a continuous stream using the Reactive Extensions
A simple autofac helper for a simple http factory.
A manager that tracks the progress of different jobs. And provides simple reporting functionality.
A chaos testing library for .NET. Ruh Roh allows you to reconfigure your dependencies (like an HTTP service) in order to simulate service outages, slow network connections, and so on. This can help to improve your software and allows for testing these - and more! - scenarios without having to actual... API client for C# / .NET
A .NET interoperability library to access the R statistical language runtime from .NET languages. The library is designed for fast data exchange, in process.
A forward proxy server supporting HTTP proxy and HTTPS (CONNECT) tunnels.
A simple StructureMap helper for a simple http factory.