Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

MVVM<BareKnuckleStyle> - Navigation infrastructure
C# services and models classes to Ecwid API v1 and v3
Additional classes and methods complementary too VSLangProj from Microsoft
Package Description
CodeBrix is a comprehensive rapid-application development (RAD) platform for quickly creating apps for iOS, Android and Windows (UWP); and is based on Xamarin.Forms and Prism.
AspNet Core Localization using SQL database for KEY-VALUE pair and share common storage for both SERVER and Client App. This repository, SQL Localization, inspired by Damien Bod's -, AspNetCore Localization project.
.Net Client for SinTrafico API
Package Description
BetterConfig is a cloud based configuration as a service. It integrates with your apps, backends, websites, and other programs, so you can configure them through this website ( even after they are deployed.
FrostAura MediaServer Core suite for providing models and interfaces and helpers for Media Server integration.
FrostAura Http library suite for making resilient HTTP calls and casting JSON and XML responses.
FrostAura OAuth 2.0 providers and interfaces.
Bringing Jest-esque Snapshot testing to C# See Project Site for more details
Common library for NFinal MVC.
Primitive classes, interfaces and enums for use in Zametek.Maths.Graphs.
PaginationTagHelper give you a easy way to handle your pagination
.NET Core compatiable C# Wrapper for QIWI Api. For bots and other stuff based on .NET Core and .NET Framework platforms.
ReadJEnc C#(.NET) File Character Code Type Automatic Determination Library. 日本語あるいは他言語のテキストファイル(またはbyte配列)の内容を解析し、文字エンコーディングを判定してテキスト内容を取り出すライブラリです。
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