Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Tarantool low-level client Library
ASP.NET Core extensions for Hystrix.Dotnet, the .NET version of the open source Hystrix library built by Netflix.
A porting of ReadSharp library for .NET Standard 1.6 platform
Fork from cn.jpush.api, support dotnet core.
This projects implements an abstraction for Azure Storage Tables to use POCOs because deriving every entity from ITableEntity or TableEntity looks like a step backwards. The current implementation is intended to be an abstraction to store every existing entity into Azure Table Store.
C# Client library for ESHA Research Genesis API
Automates the plumbing around System.Lazy.
Mifare classic crypto1 implement
Simple API wrapper for
Client extensions for tracking continues asynchronus spans over Kafka using Confluent.Kafka client and OpenTracing
RestSharp Portable extension for generating a Mastercard API compliant OAuth signature
A Serilog sink that writes events to MariaDB and MySQL. Supports audit, batching and custom columns
C#/.NET Wrapper for the PDFium library. Add also a package for the native binaries (currently only PDFium.Windows is provided) or provide them (pdfium_x64.dll, pdfium_x86.dll) yourself.
VCards is a cross-platform, standard-compliant, lightweight, and forgiving vCard parser written in C# which supports parsing and serializing vCards.
Package Description
C# util for combining Url paths. Works similarly to Path.Combine.
LZ String C# Compression Library
This library only contains interfaces. No implementations are provided. PCL Storage provides a consistent, portable set of local file IO APIs for .NET, Windows Phone, Windows Store, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Silverlight. This makes it easier to create cross-platform .NET libraries and apps...
Microsoft Azure Management Cognitive Services Library
Fully Managed MPEG 1 & 2 Decoder for Layers 1, 2, & 3