Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

DiffPlex is a diffing library that allows you to programatically create text diffs. DiffPlex is a fast and tested library.
Why do I need this? - It is faster. This lib is impletmented with [Expression Trees]( that cost 1/10 time as in Reflection way. - It is readable. This lib can generate a lambda func to handle the code flow y...
YetAnotherCloudProxy .Net / Proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection.
This library is to be referenced by projects that want to use DIVEX. This is an evaluation version.
Base32768 is a binary encoding optimised for UTF-16-encoded text.
BCnEncoder.NET is a library for compressing rgba images to different block-compressed formats. Both ktx and dds output formats are supported. This version is a .NET Framework 4.5 compatible legacy version. If you're using .NET Core, please use the main package instead.
A NowPlayingSessionManager wrapper library - used for controlling SMTC apps Supported Windows 10 versions: 10586+ (1511 or newer) Compatible with UWP
Contains: - HexStringAlgorithm, - PasswordEncryptor
Library that helps clients working with Markdown defined with the Markdown engine in Waher.Content.Markdown to consolidate Markdown content originating from multiple sources, generating composite documents for more intuitive presentation.
Pure C#, portable and performant cryptography primitives.
This is an extremely-fast and easy to use KDTree written entirely in modern C#. This is the fastest and simplest to use KDTree that I have been able to find for .NET. The project has thorough documentation and is open-source. This module is a part of the larger Supercluster project. Tutorials an...
It contains Custom Task class to use it in net35 or before
A Wpf object inspector.
A service-orientated wrapper library for the Xamarin.Essential cross-platform APIs
A C# wrapper for the longtail native library
A library for loading files from Bible Translation Tools Writer
Cloudflare Javascript & reCaptcha challenge (I'm Under Attack Mode or IUAM) solving / bypass .NET Standard library.
InfinitusApp Models