Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Sets of classes to convert querystrings to strongly typed expressions.
Collection of utility extention methods for the System.* namespace.
IO library for competitive programming
This package contains extensible utilities for data type handling
Recommendation and personalization are simple ways to increase sales by making product suggestions to customers based on historical behavior. This can be applied not only to e-commerce but also to music, gaming, events, articles and more. Crossing Minds is democratizing access to recent gains in art...
WSL SDK for .NET Standard 1.3+
In-process message broker
A big-endian BinaryReader/Writer implementation for .NET.
Wrapper for Freshdesk API v2
VBE decoder for encoded Visual Basic Script Encoded scripts (VBE) and JScript Encoded scripts (JSE), written in C#, and provided as a library for .Net Standard.
Teste se uma data especifia ou se a data atual é um feriado, incluindo feriados móveis como Páscoa, Sexta-Feira Santa, e etc... Suporte a ano bisexto
C# client for Dynatrace
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package provides rendering based on SkiaSharp.
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This is package is based on SixLabors.ImageSharp.
Contains classes simplifying working with temporary in-memory and file streams. TemporaryFile encapsulates a temporary file, manages filename and makes sure to delete the file when done. A TemporaryStream maintains content in-memory if below a threshold size limit, and switches to a TemporaryFile wh...
Contains a specialised FIFO Queue for asynchronous transport of items between tasks. You can have multiple working tasks adding items to the queue, as well as multiple working tasks subscribing to items from the queue.
SharpKML is an implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium KML 2.2 standard developed in C#, able to read and write KML and KMZ files.Fork from .
Provides .NET bindings for libheif. Features: * Supports decoding * Top-level images * Thumbnails * Depth images * Vendor-specific auxiliary images * Supports encoding * Top-level images * Thumbnails * Supports reading and writing meta-data Requirements: The libheif share...