Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Class library adding support for the Publish/Subscribe extension (XEP-0060) to the XMPP Client library defined in Waher.Networking.XMPP.
.NET Core P/Invoke wrapper for wkhtmltopdf library that uses Webkit engine to convert HTML pages to PDF.
A simple finite state machine (FSM) with workflow character where you define your workflows in code.
Graceterm middleware provides implementation to ensure graceful shutdown of AspNet Core applications. The basic concept is: After aplication received a SIGTERM (a signal asking it to terminate), Graceterm will hold it alive till all pending requests are completed or a timeout ocurr.
Set of classes, modules and libraries for easier interaction with Web Servers.
Provides a simple HTML document parser that can be used to extract information from web pages. Social Meta-data can be easily extracted from page. Information is taken from Open Graph meta data or Twitter Card meta data, as well as standard HTML meta data.
A .NET client for Butterfly.
Virgil.CryptoAPI provides the required interfaces to Virgil.SDK. Virgil Security allows for every developer can build cryptographic features including end-to-end encryption, passwordless authentication, and cryptographic verification of data, devices, and identities into their products, with no cry...
Chance.NET randomness generator
Various classes related to compression.
DiscUtils, meta-package with transports, such as iSCSI and NFS
SharpRetry is a simple and powerful library to create retry policies for your .net application. Create a policy once and use it everywhere in your system to make async calls in an easy and unit testable way.
Support PaymentExpress pxpay2.0 solution
A .Net Client Library PCA Predict API
Este proyecto extiende el proyecto Contpaqi.Sdk y dipone de varios repositorios y servicios que implementan diferentes funcionalidades del SDK.
A JSONAPI compliant serializer.
.NET Core RavenSharp client for sending errors to Sentry.
XML configuration file support for Serilog.
Bot Framework Direct Line client made just for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.