Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Libuv transport model in DotNetty
Microsoft Azure Management DataBox library
Provides developers with libraries for the updated Azure Security Center platform under Azure Resource manager to view and manage security posture in and outside Azure.
Sumo.Retry provides several types of retry policy, lambda based WithRetry extension methods and a RetryProxy based on System.Reflection.DispatchProxy.
Commands for the portable FTP server
Contains classes and tools for working with Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS).
Handles encoding, decoding and validation of JSON Web Signature (JWS) objects, as defined in RFC 7515.
Optimized implementations of the BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s cryptographic hashing algorithms. Uses SSE2-SSE4.1 Hardware Intrinsics support on .NET Core 2.1+ and AVX2 on .NET Core 3+
.NET Standard library for providing an elegant Builder Pattern interface to SharpZipLib functionality.
A simple, no-drama, reCAPTCHA validation library that works with ASP.NET Core, Razor Pages, MVC 5, and WebForms.
F# utilities, including extra String, Seq, Option, and Result functions, option and result computation expressions, and a Parse module.
Inversion of Control Services for Types in the System.Net.Http Namespace.
Client library for managing Azure Databricks clusters and submitting jobs.
Implements the clock synchronization extesion as defined by the IEEE XMPP IoT Interface working group.
RedRiver.Data.Repos.EntityFrameworkCore Class Library
This is a simple implementation of the Specification pattern in combination with Linq.
Contains script extensions for loading, fetching or processing content. Script Syntax:
A simple http tracing library to write request and response information to your output window. Making your life easier when debugging http calls!
Middleware to expose an embedded version of the swagger-ui 3 from an ASP.NET Core application
Xamarin.iOS Port of the Nohana Image Picker for iOS