Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure

Total dependencies: 322

description Test
Azure search for Umbraco allows the replacement of Examine for back office and Front end website search.
A unit testing framework for Azure logic apps
Microsoft Azure Application Insights Library
Microsoft Azure Insights Library
Provides Microsoft Azure Automation management operations including the ability to create, update and delete runbooks and schedules.
Microsoft Azure Management TrafficManager Library
Provides API functions for consuming Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Language Text Analytics APIs.
Microsoft Azure Management Groups Library
Provides Microsoft Azure Blueprint management operations including the ability to create, update and delete Blueprint definition and assignment.
Provides management capabilities for Azure Private DNS.
Provides API functions for consuming the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services LUIS Authoring API.
Provides Deployment Manager management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Microsoft Azure Managed Services Management Library
Azure Data Share is a first party resource provider that enables customers to easily and securely share big data with other organizations in Azure, with centralized management, monitoring and governance.
Provides job collection and job management capabilities for Microsoft Azure Scheduler.
This library encapsulates a set of storage conventions for Azure Batch task and job outputs, making it convenient for clients to browse and retrieve outputs by task and job id and the type of output.
Provides Machine Learning WebServices management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Provides developers with libraries to create and manage Namespaces, WCFRelay, HybridConnection and manage Authorization Rules. Note: This client library is for Relay under Azure Resource Manager.
Provides developers with a library to get and set legal terms for Azure Marketplace Offers. Note: This client library is for MarketplaceOrdering under Azure Resource Manager.