Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure

Total dependencies: 322

Nether, a library to help you build gaming backends on Microsoft Azure.
This package contains the core library for runing the automated tests (Androids Apps, UWP apps, Web Apps) and executing them using Selenium/CodedUI on cross platforms.
Framework for hosting a CQRS and Event Sourcing architecture on Azure
Framework to build datadriven bots using the Bot Framework
.net framework / .net core console utility / dll to manage service fabric support logs.
WATGx library
Azure Table Storage made easy with a very simple object model including optional secondary and full text indexes. Adds support for more .NET types, lists and easy fluent style querying. Includes easy to use blob storage utilities, user friendly ID generation, local and cloud backup functions. When ...
WATG general data retrieval and processing library
Provides developers with libraries for VM Health
Provides developers with libraries for the azure resource mover under Azure Resource manager.
Provides Redis Enterprise cache management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Microsoft Azure Management Datadog library
Microsoft Azure Stack HCI Management Library
Provides developers with libraries for Azure VMware Solution.
Enables a list of all community users to be exported to a CSV file
A WATGx Model Extension library