Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream

Total dependencies: 127

A spreadsheet library for .NET framework and .NET core
NServiceBus AzureBlobStorage DataBus
ImageSharp Middleware for serving images via a url based API.
StrongGrid is a strongly typed .NET client for SendGrid's v3 API.
Storage.Net abstracts storage implementation like blobs, tables and messages from the .NET Application Developer. It's aimed to provide a generic interface regardless on which storage provider you are using. It also provides both synchronous and asynchronous alternatives of all methods and implement...
A C# Http Multipart/form-data parser that works correctly on binary data and very large files.
MiNET - a Minecraft PocketEdition Server
A native functional ASP.NET Core web framework for F# developers.
C# .NET Framework4.5版本工具类
Platform for Kusto products
High performance Memcached client on .NET, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous
.NET client library for Apache Pulsar
ImageProcessor.Web adds a configurable HttpModule to your website which allows on-the-fly processing of image files. The module also comes with a file and browser based cache that can handle millions of images, increasing your processing output and saving precious server memory. Methods...
The general purpose component for developing apps with .NET
SoundFingerprinting.Emy is a native C# client for Emy fingerprints storage. It provides ways to insert, query, delete entries from Emy. To learn more about SoundFingerprinting visit github page To learn more about Emy visit
Package Description
NLog target to stream events to an AWS Kinesis Stream
A library to browse, read, write and subscribe to the live data published by the OPC UA servers on your network.