Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream

Total dependencies: 127

Redis transport for
A library to provide logging for ASP.NET Core http request and response
Common core library for Ext.NET Classic and Ext.NET Modern frameworks.
C# utils libraries contain a collection of reusable models, helper methods and extensions. Specific to ASP.NET Core project.
Fully managed framework for popular russian library automation system IRBIS64.
FSharp.Control.WebSockets wraps dotnet WebSockets in FSharp friendly functions and has a ThreadSafe version.
The collection of AspNetCore Middlewares for Production and Development purposes.
Provides ASP.NET Core middleware and other extensions for request and/response logging.
Storage.NetCore abstracts storage implementation like blobs, tables and messages from the .NET Application Developer. It's aimed to provide a generic interface regardless on which storage provider you are using. It also provides both synchronous and asynchronous alternatives of all methods and imple...
Extensible F# Event Codec for System.Text.Json and Newtonsoft.Json with versioning tolerant converters
Razor2Pdf renders ASP.NET Core Razor Pages as PDFs using WeasyPrint
Package Description
Module for ASP.NET Web API that enables GZip and Deflate support for incoming and outgoing requests. Please note that this is not an official Microsoft package.
Yarhl plugin with support of text converters.
Library with features for implementing file formats, converters and a virtual file system.
An Umbraco plugin to read epub books online
High performance .NET driver for working with Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Metrics.
Package Description
.NET Core port of sharp.