Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions

Total dependencies: 1695

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Package Description
Elsa is a set of workflow libraries and tools that enable super-fast workflowing capabilities in any .NET Core application. This package provides a YesSql persistence provider.
UtilsSharp工具类库简介:该工具类是基于.net standard2.0封装的,里面包括:小驼峰法命名出参规范类,出入参规范类,钉钉机器人帮助类,图片帮助类,文件帮助类,下载类,随机数帮助类,对象映射帮助类,字符串帮助类,验证码生成,时间帮助类,中国日历帮助类,任务下发帮助类,阿拉伯数字转中文数字,中文金额转换等,后面将持续更新中...
An ASP.NET Core web API middleware for the Machine library.
High performance Memcached client on .NET, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous
MicroElements bootstrap contains bootstrapper for .net services.
Service worker and Web App Manifest support for ASP.NET Core projects that provides offline support as well as client-side caching.
An easy wrapper for the RabbitMQ client that allows inclusion in DotNetCore projects. Can be used with the standard dependency injection provided in DotNetCore.
ASP.NET Core Client Library for the PolicyServer Runtime API
.NET Client Library for PolicyServer Runtime API
Package Description
This is a simple package meant to be used for Log messages are output to console as a GELF compliant JSON to be consumed by docker's GELF log driver.
dotnet core words,pinyin词语类库