Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions

Total dependencies: 1695

Lightweight infrastructure for doing command handling and eventsourcing using aggregates.
Framework to receive messages like Sms and Emails in integration tests.
Framework to receive messages like Sms and Emails in integration tests.
Framework to receive messages like Sms and Emails in integration tests.
sensenet is an Enterprise Content Services platform for .Net
Mindgaze.AspNetCore library contains useful foundation classes for building RESTful APIs such as: - Dto classes - Entity controller with CRUD and Json Patch operations - Filtering via query parameters - Swagger filters - Web host integration test fixture
ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to support basic authentication.
Proxy to be able to Sync through an ASP.NET CORE application. Choose a Dotmim.Sync provider and protects your database call through web api calls only. This assembly is meant to be used from your ASP.Net core Web Api project, and will handle all http requests calls.
Flexmonster Data Server is a server-side tool for connecting data to Flexmonster Pivot Table and Charts component. It is responsible for fetching data from a data source, processing, and aggregating it. Then the data is passed to Flexmonster Pivot in a ready-to-show format. The Data Server significa...
The scryber pdf engine for dotnet 6 - Beautiful documents from templates made easy. Scryber is an advanced PDF generation engine based around HTML templates with CSS styles and SVG drawing. It includes full flowing pages, dynamic template binding on your object model and referenced external files, ...
A utility library in .Net7.0 to easily add dependency injection using the Xpandables.Net library
Motor.NET is a microservice framework based on Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.
Motor.NET is a microservice framework based on Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.
NLog Target that sends log events to Datadog
Kontent Delivery Extensions Autofac Dependency Injection
This packages contains abstractions that could be used to add Redis caching to .NET core applications
Package Description
Package Description
Clinia CQRS is a .NET Standard framework that can be used to create a simple and clean design by enforcing single responsibility and separation of concerns. Its advanced features are ideal for Domain Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibilty Segragation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing.
SynchroFeed is an extensible framework for integrating with a Nuget-like feeds to perform syncing, cataloging and validation of Nuget and Chocolatey packages. This is an addon for syncing packages between a source repository with a target repository.