Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug

Total dependencies: 447

Olive Framework
C# .NET Core bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
Library that contains runner class to start generic host and Xamarin.Froms application
The Entity Framework Core implementation of CSESoftware.Repository.
PureActive Serilog Sink for xUnit
Utilities for the web
Lynicon CMS is a modern, extensible, hypermodular CMS which provides CMS facilities to ASP.Net Core on .Net Core 2.0/2.1 (.Net Standard 2.0) or .Net 4.6.1+. This package is the core system which contains all the essential functions required for CMS, sufficient to build a small site or application. ...
SendGridSharp.Core is a SendGridSharp Implementation for .NET Core
ZYNetServer For NETCORE Fiber Socket
This is an implementation 'Graphiql' as a ASP.NET Core MiddleWare to easily add a UI for your GraphQL endpoint (
ZYNetClient for Xamarin IOS
This is an implementation of a ASP.NET Core 2 MiddleWare to easily use the GraphQL library ( With this MiddleWare, you are able to use GraphQL, WebAPI, MVC and many more end-points in one single web app in parallel.
This provides Scissorhands.NET application with Web UI.
This package contains the the message base assembly which contains base clases for ROS messages, sevices and actions. Every assembly that contains ROS message types for ROS.NET must reference the MessageBase assembly.
ROS.NET is a CLR implementation of the ROS communication infratructure (topics, services, actions) that can communicate with standard ROS 1 nodes.
Package Description