Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug

Total dependencies: 447

A set of standard Kubernetes features and functions
Iqoption Api for DOTNET -
A cross-platform base framework useful for IoC, logging etc...
core library for spider,starting up the host and and assign the activities of the the client
The Collection of the Machine Learning related functionality for AspNetCore or GenericHost.
Allows easy bootstrapping of .NET Core App's
The collection of Http Message Delegating Handlers.
CoreXF is a ASP.NET Core eXtensibility Framework. It defines interfaces and classes required to convert .NET Core MVC applications as well as .NET Core class libraries into .NET Core MVC extensions.
Let's Encrypt library that can be used with IHost.
A fluid, seamless middleware.
Package Description
Microsoft's Quantum Chemistry Libraries.
This template needs for the host which intents to use RDBMS with EfCore in mind.
PureActive Hosting
This template needs for some of host which is only for computing or running background job.
This template needs for the host which intents to use MongoDb in mind.
This template needs for the host which intents to use RDBMS with EfCore in mind.
A wrapper over Oracle native ODP.NET to make easier the calls to packages and the use of UDTs (User Define Types)