Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.CSharp

Total dependencies: 3493

A .Net Core port of the project which provides two way OData request to Queryable transformation. Part of the Lynicon CMS project:
The Mef (Dependence injection) for Mvc5 and Mvc6.
Visual Studio 2017+ Test Explorer runner for Persimmon. Capable of running Persimmon v4.0+ tests. Supported platforms: - Desktop .NET 4.5.1+ - .NET Core 2.0+
This package contains the core library for runing the automated tests (Androids Apps, UWP apps, Web Apps) and executing them using Selenium/CodedUI on cross platforms.
NCache is an extremely fast and scalable in-memory distributed cache that removes performance bottlenecks related to data storage and databases. Entity Framework Core Provider for NCache lets you use NCache as a second level cache for entity framework core.
This provides service classes for Scissorhands.NET application.
Generic Rpc Request Responses Handlers to use with JsonRpc.Client
Nanophone in-memory registry host
Nanophone extension for eBay fabio
Nanophone aspnetcore application services
Service Fabric persistence supplementing reliable state in Fabricators Guild solutions
Reusable EntityFramework.Core functional tests for provider writers.
ASP.Net vNext AES Crypto Library
ASP.Net vNext Package Management Library
ASP.Net vNext Email Sender
The excel provider for vNext
CodeComb.AspNet.Upload Class Library
ASP.NET 5 Authentication Middleware using OAuth 2.0 Introspection (rfc7662)