Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.CSharp

Total dependencies: 3493

C#/.NET binary driver for OrientDB Original Author: Gray Delacluyse
EventBus RabbitMQ implementation.
Library to methods utilities to developmets
A LINQ to FetchXML web-api query provider which supports many scenarios unsupported by the Dynamics SDK's implementation.
快速生成Excel报表 var helper = NPOIHelperBuild.GetHelper(); helper.Add("sheet1", data); return File(helper.ToArray(), helper.ContentType, helper.FullName); 快速读取Excel //读取到List NPOIHelperBuild.ReadExcel<ImportUser>("TestImportExcel/test1.xlsx"); /...
EFCore.Toolkit is a library which provides implementations for EntityFrameworkCore best practices, patterns, utilities and extensions.
VisualVault REST API for .NET
GraphHopper Extension Library.
DPB is a tool that allows developers to automatically generate project code. You can add annotations to the code templates, and use DPB to automatically filter or generate code to build a complete new project.
GpsNose is a geo-based social platform. You can use this SDK to attach the user management and real-world connectivity of GpsNose to your project or website. Your users can use their mobiles to login by the QR-code at your app/web and can describe, explore and communicate in their real current geogr...
this task scheduling framework is only prepare for devloper.