Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles

Total dependencies: 515

Server side tools for Lykke exchange adapters API
Library of utility methods and common functionality that are useful for most Adliance projects.
ASP.NET Core对象储存扩展包,支持Minio自建对象储存、阿里云OSS、腾讯云COS、七牛云Kodo、华为云OBS、百度云BOS、天翼云OOS经典版。
surging is a distributed micro service framework that provides high-performance RPC remote service calls, using Zookeeper, Consul as the registration center for surging services, integrating hash, random, polling as a load balancing algorithm, RPC integration using the netty framework, Using asynchr...
.NETCore MVC 中间件,基于 AdminLTE 前端框架动态产生 FreeSql 实体的增删查改的【预览管理界面】。
This package provides CLI support for Wasm bootstrap projects
The Catalytic SDK allows you to integration your app with the Catalytic Platform. Key Benefits: - Easily add powerful capabilities to your app like customizable ETL, webforms, notifications and hundreds of integrations - Dramatically lower the cost of risk of rapidly prototyping n...
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore extensions for DotVVM.
Middleware to expose an embedded version of the swagger-ui 3 from an ASP.NET Core application
Package Description
Provides ASP.NET Core middleware and other extensions for request and/response logging.
ASP.NET Core extensible and embeddable documentation engine
CSS only live reloader library for ASP.NET Core (includes Blazor).
ASP.NET Core integration for GOV.UK Design system
BizBlocks AspNetCore Framework
This is a NuGet package used for all global methods/procedures/functions required for the Brightway enterprise.
Adriva .NET Core Web Controls
Provides the RangedStreamResult class; an IActionResult that makes handling ranged requests simpler in Mvc controllers when using streams for files/blobs
Implement chunked uploads to Azure blob storage. Intended for use with DropzoneJS.