Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles

Total dependencies: 515

ComponentOne Controls for ASP.NET Core MVC Edition
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
C# API client for interacting with the Gotenberg v7 & v8 micro-service's API, a docker-powered stateless API for converting & merging HTML, Markdown and Office documents to PDF. The client supports a configurable Polly retry policy with exponential back-off for handling transient exceptions.
Powerful, easy to use web management tool for Quartz.NET
ASP.NET Core based CMS
Package Description
Client-server side web framework
dotbpe.rpc is a lightweight and high performance, easy to learn rpc framework
ContentHose is all about the abstraction of content and the repositories in which they live.
Powerful, easy to use web management tool for Quartz.NET
Common code libraries
tomato.rpc is a lightweight and high performance, easy to learn rpc framework
Not Available
Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library contains a server for use with static sites.
MVC Controllers for cloudscribe.Core.Web
Visualize model created with EntityFramework Core in ASP.NET Core app. 1. Install the NuGet package 2. Use AddEfDiagrams() extension method in Configure() method of your Startup class to add middleware. Specify your DbContext type instead of ApplicationDbContex...
Core Web library for Arragro.