Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.WebApiCompatShim

Total dependencies: 37

Azure WebJobs SDK Extension for the Durable Task Framework
This package adds binding extensions for Http.
AJW Aviation Ltd public API helper library
Podfather API helper library
Extensions for running workflows in Azure Functions
A handy helper to make it easier to deal with .NET's HttpClient.
AJW Aviation Ltd public API helper library
An implementation of HMAC for ASP.NET Core
FhirStarter is a lightweight FHIR server framwork where the bare minimum of functionaliy gets your FHIR server up and running. The framework lets you create a FHIR service which can be based on several input sources and is joined a single output. The Instigator library has the necessary components ...
FhirStarter is a lightweight FHIR server framwork where the bare minimum of functionaliy gets your FHIR server up and running. The framework lets you create a FHIR service which can be based on several input sources and is joined a single output. The main library for the FhirStarter engine. Contai...
This is an HTTP client that can be used to consume HTTP APIs and was developed using the Fluent Interface design pattern.
Channel library for dotnet core 3.1. TCP, UDP, Web socket, HTTP
Forked version of Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.DurableTask should simular to version 2.5 when it is released.
Simple http stub server for unit test.
FHIR Server Engine - Handling REST Calls and Service Layer
FHIR Server Engine - Handling REST Calls and Service Layer
FHIR Server Engine - handling REST calls and service layer
Tiny RabbitMq intergration with oidc
Google Translate Rest API (Free) - .NET Core 5 , .NetStandard2.1