Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2

Total dependencies: 691

The files and references that are essential for a Breeze Legacy ASP.NET Web API server. We recommend installing this package shortly after creating a project with the "ASP.NET Empty Web Application" template or one of the MVC 4 templates such as the "ASP.NET MVC 4 Empty" template. To see an exampl...
Microsoft .NET wrapper classes for Text Control ReportingCloud. A Web (REST) API platform to generate MS Word compatible reports in the cloud.
Umbraco REST Api for working with content, published content, media and member data
Helpers for Asp.Net WebApi services.
Helpers for Asp.Net WebApi services.
Core data access library for a Breeze Server working with NHibernateX
SiteServer CMS
Middleware that records metrics for every HTTP controller and method using statsd.
This package contains a range of utility classes to aid web application development using the legacy ASP.NET stack.
Dynamicweb 9 package containing MVC components
The core Libraries that make as part of the CelloSaaS Authorization Server
MVCForum is a fully featured ASP.NET MVC 5 discussion board/forum. The software has some features similar to that seen on StackOverFlow plus LOTS more.
.Net Library for ease configuration and creation of HATEOAS Link.
Adds the latest version of structuremap and configures it as the default Dependency Resolver. Works with 'Controllers' and 'ApiControllers'.
Useful extensions/tools/utils I keep using all over the place. Hit me up (@bscheiman) if you need help.
A scaffold for building an application with Zurb for Applications and .Net that includes OWIN Token based authentication.
Adds a Ficklefile controller that enables Ficklefile generation for your WebApi project
BrickPile is a lightweight CMS built on RavenDB and ASP.NET MVC 5