Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2

Total dependencies: 691

Mobile Field Report is a software for service companies that allows powerful reporting in the field.
Lucas Solutions Core Infrastructure
Common Classes For Palnar .Net Projects
The core modules required to build CloudCore-based web modules.
Biblioteca de metodos basico para NHibernate
Abstract Controller for Web Api Application
AFL Core
Contains CodeMediaTypeFormatter to output the WebApi object on the Help page as CSharp or VB code and SyndicationMediaTypeFormatter to use syndication in WebApi. Also enables WebApi tracing capabilities
GitHub webhook controller implementation for your web application.
Secures the access to endpoints in WebAPI 2 using JWT (JsonWebToken)
Contiene un DelegatingHandler que permite segurizar las peticiones HTTP realizadas a una Web API (v2).
Get up and running with a new ASP.Net WebAPI project quickly with this collection utilities for commonly used libraries.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi with Owin Bootstrapper for .NET web projects