Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET SignalR Core Components

Total dependencies: 189

Small wrapper over the SignalR Proxy Generator to allow you to create the proxies at build time
log4net.SignalR is a Log4Net Appender that forwards Log4Net events to a SignalR hub. From this hub it gets forwarded to its registered SignalR clients, e.g. to a JavaScript client in the browser. It uses the SignalR async signaling library to stream these events in real-time over a persistent ...
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET SignalR
A SignalR channel implementation for SlimBroker
NCache backplane for scaling out ASP.NET SignalR applications in web-farm.
A SignalR backplane provider for SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, DB/2, PostgreSQL, and Firebird
90% of features are OpenSource. NCache backplane for scaling out ASP.NET SignalR applications in web-farm.
Lexus Notify
SignalR Request Response Server
RabbitMQ scaleout for SignalR
Dependency Injection in "Classic" ASP.NET WebForms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET-hosted WCF using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
A SignalR implementation of the LAN.Core.Eventing eventing abstraction for C# to handle events with directionality.
The core component of Trace Hub
The MongoDB Messaging SignalR library is a SignalR Hub for change notification.
Creates typescript definition files (typings) for SignalR hubs on post build
Smart IoC library for your SignalR application